Friday, July 26, 2024

Super7 ReAction - SCARLETT (DIC)!

ReAction Action Figures - G.I.Joe Super7 Exc - Scarlett (DIC) - Super7 2024

Shanna Scarlett O'Hara was a big deal in the original Sunbow-produced run of G.I.Joe. She was in a ton of episodes, was an implied love interest for the two main male heroes (Duke and Snake-Eyes) at different points, and she even garnered some backstory (which very few characters got). She was the main female hero of the series (with Lady Jaye being a close second). But when the series was rebooted by DIC Enterprises after a two year hiatus, she really seemed to lose her status. She didn't appear until episode 22 (of 44), and that was in a nonspeaking cameo. And only made 6 brief appearances after that before the series ended. In most of those episodes she appeared in a saturated redeco of her classic look, with purple arms and legs in place of gray/green. This ReAction figure was a surprise Super7 store exclusive a couple weeks ago in conjunction with the recent Target exclusive Baroness and Lady Jaye in their similar redeco'd looks. Let's check out Scarlett below!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Super7 ReAction - LADY JAYE (DIC)!

ReAction Action Figures - G.I.Joe Target Exc - Lady Jaye (DIC) - Super7 2024

This figure has been a long time coming. In 1989, when DIC Enterprises took over production of the new G.I.Joe cartoons, all the main characters got redecos (Some more extreme than the others). The main female trifecta of Scarlett, Baroness and Lady Jaye all had simple color swap changes from the Sunbow designs. Eventually the new Baroness and Scarlett designs were reflected in the Hasbro toy lines, but Lady Jaye was not invited to the party. Perhaps it's because her muted-green DIC design was too similar to her classic army greens, or maybe it's because her action figure was already being re-released in camo and stealth versions, but either way, the new design was never represented in plastic until now. I found this figure last Sunday at Target. The news of her didn't hit the toy sites until the next day, so it was a true shock when I saw her on the shelf. Her Ultimates figure in this deco was unfortunately canceled, so I'm glad Super7 was able to get her out in some form. Let's check out Lady Jaye below!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Super7 ReAction - BARONESS (DIC)!

ReAction Action Figures - G.I.Joe Target Exc - Baroness (DIC) - Super7 2023

In 1989, two years after G.I.Joe the Movie aired and the Sunbow cartoon ended, a new animated series produced by DIC Enterprises began and ran for 44 episodes. In most ways, this new series paled in comparison to the 95 Sunbow episodes. The animation was more crude and most of the stories seemed like blatant attempts to sell toys (way more obvious than all the other 80's cartoons). But there were some cool highlights. I especially liked the Operation Dragonfire storyline. In this story, a jilted Baroness finds an ancient skull headdress with crystal horns that enables her to concentrate the Dragonfire power. This power is used to return Cobra Commander to his human form (after the events in the the Movie that left him in the form of a giant cobra). The power was also used to fuse vehicles and uniforms with animals - creating the Python Patrol. It was a pretty fun story. An added benefit is that all the character redesigns from DIC gives us fun color variants to collect. Let's check out the DIC Baroness below!

Monday, July 22, 2024


ReAction Action Figures - G.I.Joe Wave 6 - Python Patrol Baroness - Super7 2023

When the Python Patrol faction of G.I.Joe was introduced in 1989, I was obsessed. It was such a fun way to re-introduce the classic Cobra villains and vehicles in thematic style that actually elevated the snake-themed organization. (The only thing I didn't love about it was that the logo plastered over all the vehicles said "Python Patrol" with a cheesy sticker instead of letting the uniformed decos and maybe a simple python symbol speak for themselves). The Python Patrol appeared in the toyline, cartoon, and comics nearly simultaneously, but I actually think the thing that captured my imagination the most were the short animated sequences in the toy commercials. You should check them out on YouTube. Of course, despite Baroness' crucial role in the creation of the Python Patrol, she never actually donned a scaled electronic-evading costume like so many others. Similar to the Tiger Force Scarlett, Super7 has given us another great "What If" figure. Let's check out Baroness below!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Legends of Dragonore - YONDARA!

Legends of Dragonore - Series 1.5 - Prophecy Vision Yondara - Formo Toys 2024

I've always been a sucker for a translucent figure, especially when it's not just a plain crystal clear plastic. In the case of this Legends of Dragonore Wave 1.5 Yondara redeco in her "Prophecy Vision" translucent plastic, her main skin area is indeed a boring clear color, perhaps with a tint of yellow or pink (she looks different in various lighting setups). But to offset that, she is accented with translucent blue hair and accessories and opaque painted clothing in pink and blue. The overall effect is quite stunning, although she suffers from the common translucent toy problem in that her joints become overly pronounced (especially the neck peg which you can now see behind her face). A subtle airbrushing in white or light blue in these areas would go a long way (similar to the MOTUC Goddess figure). This Wave 1.5 set features fun redecos of all the Wave 1 characters. The Build-a-Figure for 1.5 has been replaced by a minicomic finally providing some worldbuilding beyond the cardback bios. Let's check out Yondara below!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Legends of Dragonore - NIGHT HUNTER PANTERA!

Legends of Dragonore - Series 1.5 - Night Hunter Pantera - Formo Toys 2024

Legends of Dragonore is a retro-MOTU-styled line of sword and sorcery action figures from Formo Toys. The first wave was released last year with two great female characters in the lineup: Pantera and Yondara. And there is a second wave in production, with pre-orders still active on Formo Toys and BBTS, incuding another two female characters; Horri-Dame and Venatica (and an awesome Greenman homage, Arboryous). I can't wait to get them. But to tide us over before Wave Two is released, we got a surprise Wave 1.5 of repaints. Considering the swappable-parts construction of this line, this adds a ton of great fodder for kitbashing. But I personally like the redecos on their own merit.  This Night Hunter Pantera figure swaps the pink armor and blue fur for black fur and metallic bronze armor. I think she looks stunning and I'm excited for a potential Wave 2.5 with redecos of all the new figures. There is a lot of fun potential in this line. Let's check out Night Hunter Pantera below!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mike Allred's IT GIRL!

AAA Pop Atomic Action - It Girl - Ace Toys & Fresh Monkey Fiction 2024

There have been a lot of great characters to spin out of Mike Allred's Madman universe, but I think the most iconic is It Girl. The team of superpowered humans now known as the Atomics started out as foes of our misunderstood hero, Madman, but eventually became his closest allies. The token female of that group was It Girl, who had been infected with alien spores that gave her the ability to absorb the powers and characteristics of any person, animal, or material she touched. Think of her as a combination of Metamorpho, Rogue, and Beast Boy delivered in Allred's signature mod/campy style. It Girl had her own solo one-shot in 2002, and in 2012 she led the 12-issue It Girl and the Atomics series. This figure was part of a 2023 Kickstarter collaboration between Ace Toys and Fresh Monkey Fiction (that also gave us a Madman and Madwoman figure). I hope the campaign's success inspires more figures because these are great, but they barely scratch the surface of the AAA Pop roster. Let's check out It Girl below!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Mike Allred's MADWOMAN!

AAA Pop Atomic Action - Madwoman - Ace Toys & Fresh Monkey Fiction 2024

One of my favorite indie comics of all time is Madman. I first discovered the comic in 1994 when it became a part of the amazing Legend imprint under Dark Horse Comics. Legend was home to such pop culture hits as Hellboy and Sin City, but every single property (there were only 11) was a gem by true icons of the comic industry. I was immediately smitten with Madman. The story follows the enigmatic amnesiac science experiment, Frank Einstein, as he ponders life and love and has zany adventures. I find the book refreshing, quirky, poetic, and beautifully drawn. The primary female of the series is Jo Lombard, Frank's love interest who was a complex and fully-realized character from the start. She was such a constant in the stories that I was completely blindsided when she became Madwoman years later in the 2008 issue of Madman Atomic Comics #12. This figure was part of a Kickstarter campaign in 2023 by Christopher Irving and Fresh Monkey Fiction. Let's check her out below!