Thursday, August 29, 2013

Masters of the Universe Classics SHOKOTI!

Eternia's Ancient Witch, Shokoti - MattyCollector Club Filmation - Mattel 2013

When Club Filmation was first announced earlier this year, I was instantly smitten over this character Shokoti.  She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her.  I didn't even know if she was good or evil, but I know she looked fantastic and she inspired me to purchase the subscription right away.  I've since watched her episode a few times (I know she's officially in two episodes, but the first of the two-episode story only shows her in a brief cameo).  What I especially love about Mattel's choice to include her is that, although her role is brief, she comes with a huge sense of Eternian history.  The legend is that she was a powerful evil sorceress that ruled over the dark half of Eternia thousands of years ago.  She was imprisoned in an ancient pyramid in the desert until she was unleashed in these episodes (the episodes are called The House of Shokoti - Part 1 & 2 - Season One).  The toy is amazing.  She just looks so Eternian.  Let's check her out in detail below.


Shapoopie comes with one of her Darklings, which are her shrieking demonic minions which dart around her tomb attacking her foes.

Shabooty has the standard MOTUC articulation.  She's really poseable and stand well on her own.

Here are an assortment of Sashimi images from the web.

Time for a Comparison Pic!



  1. Stunning is the right word for Shabooty! What a beautiful figure.

    Interesting that they decided not to give her a spell casting hand. Would have made sense for a witch.

    The Filmation sub could add some great females. Not sure if they showed any for next year, but I think they only showed the first 3 figures. Not sure if Scorpia is in the regular or Filmation sub.

    It would have been cool to see Lorde Masque to go with Shokoti, but I am glad Huntara beat out Masque at the SDCC fan vote. Huntara will be sweeet!!

    1. Yeah a spell-casting hand would have made sense, especially considering she has no accessories to hold. I wonder if any of the weapons pack items are intended for her.. hmmm.

      I was unaware that there even was another round of Club Filmation. I hope there is one, because more figures like Shokoti would be amazing.

      I'm looking forward to getting Huntara, but not as much as some other ladies. There's just something about her design that doesn't have that cheesy She-Ra feel (that I love). She'll go in the back with Sherrilyn and Capt Glenn :)

  2. My Shikotey is in the post. I can't wait. She reminds me of The Blue Lady painting, so thats a must for me!

    1. Oh yeah! I totally didn't think about the blue lady. For no specific reason she reminds me of Mara from Blackstar. They don't really look alike at all, but for some reason that's who I think of when I see Shokoti.
