Saturday, May 1, 2021

Mythic Legions - DORINA ONORIS!

Mythic Legions - Dorina Onoris (She-Ra) - Power-Con Exc - Four Horsemen 2020

Hot on the heels of Thursday's belated Evil-Lyn homage figure, Malynna, comes the newest female release, Dorina Onoris, aka Mythic Legions She-Ra. I was truly expecting the second female in the Power-Con exclusive MOTU homage line to be Teela, but I was surprised by this really terrific rendition of She-Ra first. Of course, I clearly remember saying back in 2017 when I first saw the Mythic Legions Freyja of Deadhall figure (with her valkyrie-esque helmet plumage) that she would be a She-Ra Power-Con repaint someday. It took a few years but I was spot-on. The funny thing is, I now have no idea who I would expect the Four Horsemen to use for Teela or Sorceress (who I just assume would logically be the next two ladies included). I think they'll have to be pretty complex mash-ups of existing characters. Or who knows, maybe we'll even get an original headsculpt. All I know is that this sub-line of Mythic Legions has been a true treat to collectors and something I look forward to each Spring.

If you're curious about the other Four Horsemen MOTU Homage figures, here is the list:

2018....Cowarros...................(Battle Cat)
2020....Dorina Onoris................(She-Ra)
2020....Lord Draguul.................(Hordak)

There were also two Raven repaints as Zoar and Screech, but I believe these were single-edition figures for a charity auction.

Dorina comes with an alternate helmeted head, shoulder armor, a shield with a removable handle, a sword, and a sash with a loop to hold the sword.

Dorina also comes with She-Ra's signature red cape. In theory, this can be worn a waistcoat or a cape. But if you look at the bizarre way the holes are punched (tiny and not evenly spaced), the waistcoat option isn't possible without seriously widening the holes to accommodate the pencil-thick waist peg. Even the shoulder pegs are significantly larger than the pinholes and requiring the tearing of fabric.

It took me a while to realize that her helmet-wings can rotate. With her shoulder-armor on, the straight up-and-down position is awkward. And there is something about the size of her head that looks mal-proportioned without the shoulder armor to balance it out.

The detailing on the back of her head is amazing. The armor and the braiding looks great.

A legendary figure of the Northlands, the might Dorina Onoris became a beloved folk hero in Mythoss. When Lord Draguul and his grotesque mob began terrorizing the villages of Vikenfell and Sjelgard, it was a young Dorina who led her people's rebellion against the evils despoiling their lands. Her unnatural power and her unmatched skill in battle led Dorina and her people to victory over Draguul. But it was her compassion and spirit that won the hearts of Mythoss.

Time for some Group and Comparison Pics!

Here is Dorina Onoris with Malynna.


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