Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Fury Force - THE ROSE!

Pop Prolific: Fury Force - The Rose - HOTG/Hammer of the Gods Toys 2020

I don't usually dabble in 3rd Party art figures. But sometimes they are so well-made and fun that they are impossible to resist. And recently I tempted fate by going to a toy show that specialized in the genre of toy artistry. My favorite item of the show was this homage to G.I.Joe's Scarlett (aka The Rose) from the Fury Force line by Pop Prolific and Hammer of the Gods Toys. In my opinion, there has never been a really great licensed Scarlett figure until the very recent Super7 ReAction figure. But this Rose figure filled a void I didn't know existed: a classic looking Scarlett in the aesthetic of a vintage Masters of the Universe sculpt. I somehow never even considered these characters in a 5" scale. For so long, G.I.Joes were so locked in the 3.75" world that my brain still has trouble accepting the 6-7" Classified and Ultimates lines. But when I saw this figure, something clicked I just had to have her. And now I can't wait to see what future art toys I find. Jem would be insanely cool. Let's check out this beauty below!

The Rose came packaged in a polybag with a folded cardboard hangtag. 
The picture below is the inside of the hangtag.

Rose comes with a crossbow accessory. 
I'm fairly certain this is a recast of the crossbow from the Total Justice Huntress figure.

She is articulated only at the shoulders and neck with simple straight-peg construction.

Time for some Group and Comparison Pics!

Here she is another HOTG figure I picked up, Rocket.

And here is Rose alongside the vintage Cheetara and Teela figures.



  1. This is like if HeMan and GI Joe figures had a threesome with Bruce Timm.
