Monday, January 28, 2013

Realm of the Claw's KAELA!

Realm of the Claw's Kaela from Stan Winston Creatures 2001
What would happen if ThunderCats went a little more tribal?  That question was my initial reaction to these figures when they started popping up in Toys'R US stores a little over 10 years ago.  I became obsessed and quickly tracked down the entire series (and read the subsequent comic books).  These figures are large and heavy, extremely well made, and very detailed.  Stan Winston was one of the modern-day masters of special effects.  He is well known for his work in Terminator, Aliens, Jurassic Park, Edward Scissorhands, Predator, Avatar, etc etc.. basically he had worked on every movie ever (my personal favorite being She-Creature.. I love evil mermaids).  Sadly, Stan passed away in 2008 at the too-early age of 62.  I love his imagination and creativity and I'm saddened that we'll never get to see what else he was dreaming up.  Stan Winston Creatures was a genius idea of a toy company that let his non-film creations take on new life.  I'll continue this rant in tomorrow's post (on another female cat from this line), but for now let's check out Kaela!




Clearly Kaela is the Cheetah of the group.  I love the very non-human anatomy incorporated into these figures.  Having every felinoid be a swimsuit model with spots or stripes seems a little far-fetched in fantasy properties like these.
Kaela comes with a lot of accessories: 2 Heads, 2 Spears, a Dagger, a Trading Card, and a Display Base (which I unfortunately don't have anymore)

Here are some details of the two heads.  To me, the fierce one is immensely better.

These action figures have a ton of articulation that is hidden very well.  The weight of these figures also lets them balance and pose easily.


She made the cover (a variant cover) of Realm of the Claw #2
Rawwwr!  She looks so threatening I love it.

Time for a Comparison Pic!
(Told ya she's big!)

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