Friday, May 3, 2019

Marvel Titan Hero Series - VALKYRIE!

Avengers Endgame - Titan Hero Series: PowerFX - Valkyrie - Hasbro 2019

When Thor Ragnarok product started hitting the shelves a couple years ago I was very wary of this cinematic version of Valkyrie. I had always been fond of the tall busty blonde Scandinavian warrior from the comics, and the image of Tessa Thompson as a normal-statured woman of color with face paint and futuristic armor seemed like a huge departure from the classic Brunhilde. And when I finally saw the movie, I learned I was right. This cinematic Valkyrie was stubborn, technologically savvy, and often drunk. But I liked her. And I realized that a classic comic version would have been extremely awkward in that movie. Her presence in Avengers Endgame just solidified my newfound appreciation her. Seeing her sweeping across the screen astride Aragorn was one of the highlights of the movie for me. This Titan figure was leaked many months ago, but I feared she might never be released when she was absent from the first wave of Endgame product. But luckily she was just a part of the secret second batch.

I'm realizing more and more that toy companies rarely get skin color right. The likeness to Tessa Thompson is near perfect, but her skin tone appears a lot darker here than in the movies. And conversely, her suit in the movies isn't quite bright white, but more of a silvery-gray. The overall effect is a more stark color contrast in her appearance. When I first saw a blurry photo of this toy (from the Philippines), I honestly thought she was a new astronaut character before realizing it was Valkyrie.

Like all the Endgame Titan figures, Valkyrie comes with both a back port and a ridiculous forearm port. I really hope these phase out soon. I used the Captain Marvel's PowerFX weapon and Valkyrie has two unique phrases.. the best being "Valkyrie, ready for battle" in an awkward, over-enunciated accent. It makes me laugh.

I'm going to try and fashion a blue cape for her. I think Valkyrie's cape is pretty iconic in the movies, and my only disappointment with this figure is that she doesn't have one. Plus it will lessen her astronaut look which I can't seem to un-see.

Valkyrie comes with her sword, Dragonfang. It's a really great accessory.

Every time I open a Titan Hero Series figure, I have this impossible hope that Hasbro has improved the articulation. Maybe a new elbow hinge? Maybe a wrist swivel? Anything would be nice. A wrist cut would be especially helpful since she has a sword accessory. But no, same old five points.

Time for some Group and Comparison Pics!

Here she is with her Marvel Legends figure from 2017.

Here is Valkyrie with the two other Endgame Titan ladies: Black Widow and Captain Marvel.

And with the Infinity War figures: Black Widow and Scarlet Witch.



  1. She is really very beautiful. I do not know if it's my impression the more the hole in the arm looks much smaller and better hidden than in blackwidow

  2. She's my second favorite character from the Marvel universe (first been the handsome god of mischief Loki!) and I absolutely loved her in End Game! Ever since I saw this I've been wanting one so desperately. I think I am going to ask one for my birthday next month that is if I can find one for cheap. The likeness to Tessa Thompson is done well too. These pictures are the first time I saw the full action figure and I have to agree with you, she needs some modifications. I like your idea of adding her beautiful blue cape, I think I might do that as well! I also think she needs some painting, for example some of her golden armor pieces on the legs are painted white, I think adding gold will make her armor look more movie like, and adding a bit of that silver touch to her armor will make her a bit more realistic as well. I am also thinking of adding a white piece of cloth to her belt, you know like in the pictures, I don't know what it's called but it's that cloth that hangs from her belt and flows down to her thighs (I hope I make sense). I also think finding a white Pegasus or simply a horse you can turn into one, modify that to give her her steed Aragorn, would be a cool idea. I also think her back needs some painting too, like that blue line right under her breastplate should go around to complete it. I know this is super long comment but I hope this give out some ideas of modification on this doll. Thank you very much for this close up look on her! Have a nice day.

  3. Awesome character and great figure. Hoping they do one in her armor at six inch Marvel Legends scale. This is a nice addition as well.

    1. I was hoping for the same thing!
