It's amazing that after years of the Four Horsemen's Figura Obscura exclusive figure releases, 2024 brought us not only the first female figure, but the first two. The Bastet figure in May was a very welcome surprise. But to then get a second female in The Ghost of Christmas Past a few months later was icing on the cake. After the Jacob Marley figure in 2023, I figured all the A Christmas Carol spirits would eventually be made, but the speed and execution was still unexpected. I especially enjoy the Four Horsemen's macabre interpretation of the Ghost, taking inspiration from The Weeping Woman and various White Lady folklore. I always felt that the Ghost of Christmas Past was the creepiest of the A Christmas Carol spirits, despite often being represented as simply angelic, so giving her some darker visages and an otherworldly second set of arms is a welcome redesign. I don't like my figures to be overly gory or scary and tend to gravitate toward vampy and creepy - so this figure seems custom-catered to me.
Let's check out The Ghost of Christmas Past below!
The photos above show the shrinkwrapped outer box. There is a heavy cardboard wrap-around shell like a book cover.
Below is the inside of that book cover with a printed diorama.
The photos below show the inner box.
The Ghost of Christmas Past comes with a lot of accessories: Four sets of hands, a holly spring, a candle extinguisher (with a long removable staff), a second handheld candle extinguisher, a base and lamppost diorama piece, and a second set of arms that attach like a backpack. What I failed to include here is a small booklet with the printed chapters featuring The Ghost of Christmas Past. I assume that when all the A Christmas Carol releases are done, you would have the entire story printed across several booklets.
She also comes with three hairpieces and four heads with different expressions.
The dark hair is awesome if you want a La Lhorna figure (which the literature on the Four Horsemen website implies was the intent).
Note that the demonic face with the extended jaw was not visible in the packaging, but rather hidden inside in a baggie. I don't know if this head is included with every figure or not, or a kind of early-bird exclusive. I ordered my figure literally the minute she was announced and was checkout-out by 9:01am. The Four Horsemen website does not show this fourth head and the accessories description only lists three heads.
There are a whopping twelve different display options with her head and hair combinations.
Time for a Comparison Pic!
Detailed figure, detailed review. I must admit I'm curious what's going on under the clothing (usually THE first thing I look into with a robed figure, male or female, for possible customs later). Nearly EVERY reviewer ever misses showing the base bodies. Frustrating, to me anyway. Sad to hear the company isn't very clear on WHAT the figure comes with, and if they ALL do. That has been a deal-breaker for me on more than one occasion, where I'm ABOUT to order a figure, but the descriptions / pics / user reviews don't jive with each other. It's a truly depressing way to run a business, not telling the customer what they're buying or not buying.