I can admit I'm not fully apprised of newer storylines when it comes to Transformers. I usually see the new movies once in the theaters. And occasionally I will watch a modern animated show to understand the new character toys. But beyond that, I'm pretty lost. I first became aware of Solus Prime when I got the Mastermind Creation's 3rd Party Salvia Prominion way back in 2015. I researched her and learned that the origin of Transformers had been expanded upon to include 13 original "deities" which were the forebearers of the Cybertronian factions. The sole female was named Solus Prime - often appearing in shadows or silhouette with her signature mallet - the Forge of Solus. She recently had an appearance in Transformers One which seems to have really solidified her place in mainstream Transformers lore. And right on cue, Hasbro announced the orders for her first official action figure for later this year. This prompted me to finally post this 2022 NewAge figure. Let's check her out below!
A small note about my Transformation. The area between the bottom of her ribcage and the light gray disc of her waist is tricky for me. I've watched videos where it appears this area can tab in more neatly and give a more flush appearance, but I just can't seem to get it right on my figure. Getting this tabbed properly would also cause her chest plate to sit differently (a little more snug to her torso).
Although this figure may not look very much like a retooled Arcee (Machinenmench) while in robot mode,
this vehicle mode is undeniably Arcee.
Here is a artwork for the upcoming Hasbro Solus Prime.
Her design really seems to reaching a unified concept. For years her look was open to interpretation.
Prime Sif comes with a hammer (aka The Forge of Solus) and two sets of hands.
Time for some Group and Comparison Pics!
Here is she is with my other 3rd Party Solus Prime figure, the MMC Salvia Prominion (2015).
And here are my three NewAge ladies (so far) together: Prime Sif, Maschinenmensch, and Commander Christine.
And a collection of my 1:18 Arcees. From Left to Right: Trumpeter Movie Kit, Super7 ReAction, NewAge Maschinenmensch (shares a base body with Prime Sif), Dr. Wu Amie, DX9 Toys Leah, and Iron Factory Pink Assassin.
I'm very happy that Hasbro is finally giving us an official release of Solus Prime. As you probably already know we actually got her hammer ( The Forge of Solus Prime ) several times through the years as Ultra Magnus's oversized weapon. It is one of the strange things where her weapon has more molds and iterations than she does....