Thursday, April 2, 2020

Dark Knight Rises Mini-Busts - CATWOMAN!

DC Comics Batman Universe Bust Collection #32 Catwoman - Eaglemoss 2019

I figure with The Batman movie currently filming and ZoĆ« Kravitz soon to take on the role of Selina Kyle in 2021, the Anne Hathaway Catwoman from Dark Knight Rises will soon be a thing of the past (at least as far as merchandising goes). I still fondly remember my surprise at seeing Hathaway's amazing performance. I'll be the first to admit that my expectations weren't very high. At the time, I had only really been exposed to her acting in more lighthearted fare (despite her having several super impressive roles under her belt already that I just hadn't seen yet). But her interpretation was fun, entertaining, and sexy. I only wish we could have seen more of her. These Batman Universe Busts from Eaglemoss have been pretty amazing. While they haven't all been winners (ahem.. Ivy), the majority have been awesome (Batwoman, Batgirl, Bluebird, and Catwoman especially). I have a feeling the line ended with Issue #35 which is a shame because I was really enjoying them. Let's check out DKR Catwoman below!

So if you've ever bought Eaglemoss products before, you are likely well aware that the paint edges tend to be a little less-than-precise. All the photos above are fresh-from-the-package with no touch-ups. All the remaining photos below have the eyemask slightly repainted with crisper edges. It's hard to notice the change in the photos, but in person it's a huge improvement.

Time for some Group and Comparison Pics!

Here she is with the DC Collectibles Bust (slightly customized face) from 2012.

And here she is with two other Eaglemoss Catwoman Busts: Batman 1966 and Modern Comic versions.


1 comment:

  1. I'm in complete agreement on Hathaway's performance and expections. Good post. I like this bust.
