Tuesday, December 5, 2023

A Long Overdue 2020 YEAR-END REVIEW!

A Collection of 2020's Most Amazing Female Action Figures All In One Post

I think 2020 was an interesting year for everyone on the planet. Purely from a collecting perspective, everything was different from the previous year. People were stuck at home, stores were closed, factory production was halted, shipment routes were congested, and mail order became commonplace. Before this, I almost never ordered new toys online if it could be avoided. I much preferred to find things in store and select the best paint jobs. But suddenly the shelves were sparse and production quotas were determined by preorders. That didn't mean it wasn't a landmark year for action figure collectors though. Three of the most popular toylines in the stores today were launched in 2020 (DC Multivese by McFarlane, Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel, and G.I.Joe Classified by Hasbro). I really like posting these summaries of all the figures I reviewed from a certain production year. And I like the fact that I'm way behind because it provides a great look back. Let's look back to the amazing ladies of 2020!

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As usual, I'll start it off with 

Hasbro's Marvel Legends

Every year this line impresses me more and more with good mix of obscure and staple characters.

Hasbro's Marvel Products (other)

Some Titan Hero Series 12" and a Basic Series GamerVerse figure.

Diamond Select Toys

Marvel Gallery, DC Gallery, and Castlevania. I'm very behind on Minimate posts otherwise this section would be larger.

Hasbro's Star Wars

Black Series 6", Vintage Collection, Galaxy Mission, and Galaxy of Adventures.

Hasbro's Transformers

Earthrise, War for Cybertron, Cyberverse, Studio Series, and two 3rd Party figures.

Hasbro's Power Rangers

Power Rangers Lightning Collection and 12" Series.


2020 also gave me my first two figures from LooseCollector. Very excited to see this company grow.


Halo 12" and 6", Fortnite (6" and 4") and Roblox (4"). Jazwares really cornered the Video Game market.

Spinmaster Toys

2020 saw Spinmaster get the DC license for 12" and 4" action figures. It started out strong, but honestly they only introduced two additional comic females since then. They seem to focus on cinematic releases now. Also, they had a very cool DreamWorks Dragons set this year.

DC Collectibles

As Spinmaster and McFarlane were amping up their DC offerings, DC Collectibles was winding down. We saw our last few DC Collectibles releases in 2020.

McFarlane Toys

2020 saw the launch of McFarlane's DC Multiverse line. It was exciting to see new energy behind this massive license. Also some great Mortal Kombat and Fortnite figures.

Masters of the Universe Origins by Mattel

2020 saw the launch of MOTUO line with three terrific female figures. Note that Teela and Evil-Lyn were re-released with updated knees in coming years.

Miscellaneous MOTU

Mythic Legions, World's Smallest (Super Impulse), and Mattel's own WWE line put out MOTU-esque product in 2020.


There wasn't a ton of Super7 product for me in 2020, but what was released was pretty great.

Miraculous by Playmates

Playmates Toys took over the Miraculous license from Bandai in 2020. They started out strong but unfortunately seem to have shifted focus mainly to dolls in recent years.

Ghostbusters by Hasbro

The 2021 Ghostbusters: Afterlife film created a huge merchandizing push in 2020.

G.I.Joe Classified by Hasbro

2020 saw the launch of a long-awaited 6" G.I.Joe line.

Funko Pop

My purchases of Funko Pops has slowed down dramatically. But when something does catch my eye, it's amazing. My six 2020 purchases are all perfection.


Imaginext, NECA, Apex Legends, FNAF, Tom & Jerry, WWE, and various Preschool product.



  1. Wow - that was a heck of a year. Can't believe all that Marvel Legends was released in one year, but I'm sure my wallet remembers.
